Press Release: New Energy Labelling for Lighting Products That is Fit For Purpose!
Lighting products are following in the footsteps of other electrical appliances that have been benefitting from the new energy label since March 1st, 2021. September 1st, 2021, brought the removal of the confusing ‘A+’, ’A++’ and ‘A+++’ classes that had appeared on the energy label over the years. The label now returns to the popular, consumer-friendly, A-G scale, as requested by consumer groups.
The stricter measurement method means that a lamp previously ranking A++ may be downgraded to D. This does not mean the lamp has become less efficient but better reflects today’s state-of-the-art production, and leaves room for future innovative products to populate the A class. Dermott Jewell, Policy Advisor at the CAI welcomed the revised labelling: “This is an important and a welcome restoration of the practical A-G scale for lamps and lighting. With energy costs rapidly escalating, consumers need to buy – and know how to buy – the most energy-efficient products possible. That process and consumer choice is, finally, made a simple and informed one”. The CAI is a part of the Boost Energy Label Take-up or BELT Project, which is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme and is focused on promoting the uptake of more energy-efficient products and raising awareness about the new rescaled label through national campaigns.
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