
Press Release: New Energy Labelling for Lighting Products That is Fit For Purpose!

Lighting products are following in the footsteps of other electrical appliances that have been benefitting from the new energy label since March 1st, 2021. September 1st, 2021, brought the removal of the confusing ‘A+’, ’A++’ and ‘A+++’ classes that had appeared on the energy label over the years. The label now returns to the popular, consumer-friendly, A-G scale, as requested by consumer groups.

The stricter measurement method means that a lamp previously ranking A++ may be downgraded to D. This does not mean the lamp has become less efficient but better reflects today’s state-of-the-art production, and leaves room for future innovative products to populate the A class. Dermott Jewell, Policy Advisor at the CAI welcomed the revised labelling: “This is an important and a welcome restoration of the practical A-G scale for lamps and lighting. With energy costs rapidly escalating, consumers need to buy – and know how to buy – the most energy-efficient products possible. That process and consumer choice is, finally, made a simple and informed one”. The CAI is a part of the Boost Energy Label Take-up or BELT Project, which is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme and is focused on promoting the uptake of more energy-efficient products and raising awareness about the new rescaled label through national campaigns.

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belt-logoA New Generation of EU Energy Labels

From March 2021, consumers across the EU will see a new energy label on a range of household appliances aimed at giving consumers clearer information to help them choose the most energy-efficient product.  The need for an updated system has long been highlighted by European consumer organisation BEUC, of which the Consumers’ Association of Ireland (CAI) is a member, and the new energy rating is a very welcome initiative that will affect lighting, fridges, TVs, dishwashers and washing machines from next year.  BEUC, along with member organisations, are part of a project called Boost Energy Label Take-up or BELT, which is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme and is focused on promoting the uptake of more energy-efficient products and raising awareness among manufacturers, retailers and consumers about the new rescaled label through national campaigns. For more information on how the new energy label will work, see the article and video below.

Also below is access to an interactive tool that demonstrates the differences between the old and new labelling systems and that lets you calculate energy consumption, annual electricity costs and more for appliances in the various energy classes. Simply click on the appliance type – from fridges to washing machines to lamps – and enter some key information on appliance size and configuration. You can then see the expected amount of energy usage, CO2 emissions, and the associated costs. Please note that this is an EU-wide tool and the electricity costs have been calculated on the basis of the average electricity cost across all EU member states and not on a national basis.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 847043.

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New EU Energy Ratings Calculator

The energy label is a tool that provides a clear indication of the energy efficiency of a product.
The system currently in use is based on 10 energy classes, ranging from A +++ to G. A new
classification systemis introduced, which simply goes from A – the most efficient class – to G –
the least efficient, making it easier for everyone to understand and compare products.