The aims of the Association are to protect, promote and represent the interests of consumers. The Association furthers these aim by:
- promoting action to safeguard the interests of consumers, ensuring that those who take decisions which will affect the consumer can have a balanced and authoritative view of the interests of consumers before them,
- insisting that the interests of all consumers are taken into account,
- making representations of the views of consumers on all matters of concern to them to Local and Central Government, Government Agencies, Industry and any other quarter where the company sees fit including representation on the existing law and on proposed legislation,
- making representations on the adequacy and availability to consumers of consumer advice services and upon the needs of such services for supporting facilities,
- representing the consumer on appropriate Government and other bodies or international organisations including those which exist within the framework of the European Communities, e.g. The European Consumers’ Organisation – BEUC and the European Consumer Voice in Standardisation – ANEC.
The means by which the Association achieves its aims include:
- using research and information from Consumer Choice magazine to form policies which support and safeguard consumer interests,
- promoting and seeking implementation of those policies, representing the consumer interest on appropriate bodies,
- being available for consultation by those who seek a consumer view on policies and proposals,
- keeping in touch with consumers’ experiences and concerns,
- working with other agencies to achieve beneficial change for consumers,
- promoting the interests, experience and views of consumers through meetings, reports, interviews, exhibitions, letters and publications.
The Association also concentrates on special areas. Through its monthly publication Consumer Choice it reports on services and any other area of consumer interest, including:
- food and food safety
- product performance
- finance and financial products
- environment and health issues
- consumer rights and how to safeguard these rights.